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Coffee Wood Chew
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Coffee Wood Chew is suitable for ingredient sensitive dogs and dogs with allergies?

Coffee Wood Chew is suitable for ingredient sensitive dogs and dogs with allergies?

Coffee Wood Chew from CWDC Vietnam doesn’t contain any traces of animal or artificial ingredients, calories, caffeine or any of the most common food allergens, making them perfect for dogs that have allergies or are overweight. As your dog chews through the treat small fibres of the wood will fray, these can be easily digested and eaten all without harming your dog.

Suitable for all dogs including overweight dogs and those with allergies is an ideal daily chew allowing your dog to chew time and time again thanks to its long lasting, extra tough form. An untreated wood chew that is 100% natural it will not impair the health or condition of your dog as it contains zero calories. Instead its very hard texture rewards your dog with a sense of achievement, as well as helping to reduce plaque and prevent gum disease through the natural chewing process of abrasive chews, giving natural dental care with every bite.

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