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Coffee wood dog chew review – Is coffee wood digestible for dogs?

Coffee wood dog chew review – Is coffee wood digestible for dogs?

If you still want to use wood, coffee wood chew are the safest of the wood shavings available at pet stores, and you should avoid pine shavings.

Coffee wood chews are harder than regular sticks and when bitten they break into soft pieces or fibers that are easy to push out, unlike the splinters that can be found in any wooden stick. Coffee wood chews are mainly designed to be used as natural toys for dogs.

The small fibers released from these natural dog chews help to remove tartar and plague accumulated over the time inside the dogs teeth, which prevent bad breath and other health risks.

Coffee wood chews don’t contain any traces of animal or artificial ingredients, calories, caffeine or sugar. They are also suitable for dogs that have allergies or are overweight. Coffee tree wood is harder than wood from local forests. … The dog can swallow and digest them without any problem.

To ensure there is a chew for all dogs, the sticks come in several sizes. Additionally, CWDC Vietnam Co., Ltd doesn’t harm the environment in our production process. Since coffee wood is a natural byproduct during coffee production, no tree is uprooted or cut down.

Coffee wood chews from CWDC Vietnam are cut into different size and then dried in the oven or dried naturally in the sun, then peeled, surface sanded and rounded ends, and finally cleaned and dusted.

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