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Coffee wood sticks from CWDC Vietnam are free from caffeine

Coffee wood sticks from CWDC Vietnam are free from caffeine

Coffee wood chews from CWDC Vietnam are a long-lasting, chewable coffee wood than will help stimulate your dog both mentally and physically as your dog chews.

These are 100% natural dog chews are calorie free, so can be enjoyed by dogs aged three months and over including overweight dogs, dogs with diabetes and dogs who may suffer from digestive sensitives to certain ingredients.

Coffee wood chews from CWDC Vietnam are also free from caffeine, animal traces, artificial ingredients, and additives.

Perfect for walkies or journeys, the shape of the coffee wood chews allow it to be easily transported to wherever your dog goes for a walk, the handcrafted close-grained wood is sustainable too, so you’re helping to conserve the planet whilst your dog has hours of fun.

Coffee wood chews from CWDC Vietnam are very unlikely to splinter, so there is no need to worry that they will interfere with your dog’s digestion or cause choking.

These are long lasting chewable coffee wood that stimulates your dog to chew time and time again. Chewing gives natural dental care, reducing plaque and preventing gum disease.

These were made of branches of the coffee bean plant. Once a plant stops producing coffee beans, the branches are used to produce chew sticks for dogs. So extra durable!

These are harder than regular wood and splinter proof. Supports the natural cleaning of the teeth. The fibres released during chewing, have a stimulating effect on the dog’s intestines. Furthermore, endorphins are released in the brain, resulting in a satisfied feeling.

During the chewing process, fine wood fibres are released by the dog’s saliva. These are harmless can be digested without a problem.

When your dog chews on coffee wood, the wood releases small fibres that have a similar effect to dental floss on your dog’s teeth.

Chewing on coffee wood chews from CWDC Vietnam is perfectly safe and the fibres that come from the wood can be swallowed and digested without any harm to your dog. The dog chew stick mechanically cleans the teeth and also strengthens the jaw muscles.


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