Coffee was first introduced to Vietnam in the 1850s. Initially planted on small farms, this quickly changed into large scale production on massive plantations located in the highlands of Vietnam.
Since the first crops, coffee production has continued to expand and even drive the agricultural industry in Vietnam and contributes a substantial percentage to the country’s GDP. Coffee is second only to rice in agricultural production.
The majority of coffee production and processing takes place in the highlands of Vietnam, is the main supplier for coffee in Vietnam as well as coffee export.
Vietnam has continued to expand coffee production and is currently the second largest producer of coffee, only behind Brazil.
Vietnamese coffee is the rocket fuel that keeps the country buzzing. You’ll find cafes on every street in every city, from trendy cafes molded by the creative class, to retro institutions that have evolved over decades, to pavement cafes draped around and across the sidewalks.
That’s why we have an abundant source of raw materials because we take advantage of the farmers’ alternative coffee branches and help them have more income. We are all protecting the environment and have a great product for our dogs.
The branches of the coffee tree plant are harvested annually from trees from coffee bean plantations and are 100% sustainable. Coffee wood is a very densely grained wood that is harder than most native woods and does not splinter, making it an excellent choice for your dog.
Coffee Wood Chew from CWDC Vietnam is sourced from over 20 years old coffee trees, therefore it have no danger to the natural ecosytem. Furthermore, the extraction of old branches of coffee trees also increases their yield and the ability to produce seeds.
Coffee Wood Chew from CWDC Vietnam is one of the hardest wood chew toys for dogs. It is not easily released during chew. This chewing wood is released into soft fibers that are helpful for dog’s dental care!
CWDC Vietnam is a leading company in the field of supplier coffee wood chews for dogs with many years experienced. We have been exporting to many markets worldwide.
With the business philosophy of the company is “Always wants to bring success to all its customers. Because we think that, the success of our customers is also the success of our company”
We are committed to always bring to our customers the best coffee wood chews for dogs with high discounts, reasonable prices and many other attractive incentives.
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