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When is a good time to replace the Coffee Wood Chew?

When is a good time to replace the Coffee Wood Chew?

If your dog has been having a good go at the chew for a couple of days/weeks then it should ideally break down or wear out into chunks. Large sized pieces can be chewed on without any risk.

Coffee Wood Chew from CWDC Vietnam will keep your pooch occupied for hours on end. When your dog chews on coffee wood, the wood breaks into small fibres that have a similar effect to dental floss on your dog’s teeth. These fibres are harmless and can be swallowed and digested without any problems. This chew also helps to keep teeth in check and strengthens to jaw muscles.

  • Non-Toxic & Less likely to splinter
  • Suitable for dogs of all sizes
  • Contains NO Caffeine
  • Helps support healthy gums and teeth
  • Raw feeding friendly
  • No added Synthetics or Preservatives

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