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Coffee wood sticks can relieve the loneliness of your dogs

Coffee wood sticks can relieve the loneliness of your dogs

CWDC Vietnam have a deep love for dogs, which drove us to understand their behaviour and look to satisfy their basic needs.

Coffee wood chew sticks from CWDC Vietnam can relieve the loneliness and anxiety of dogs left alone at home. For those dogs that like to chew on table legs, coffee wood chew sticks can be your furniture protector.

The key to lower stress levels and increase fun. You will recognize chewing behaviour when dogs are puppies: they grab shoes, chew on socks, or nibble furniture.

No wonder. Chewing is a natural way for dogs to relieve stress. While chewing, hormones like dopamine and serotonin are released from a dog’s neurobiological system. These two neurotransmitters work to relieve stress. That means chewing is an easy and natural way for dogs to regulate agitation and stress independently. To help our four-legged friends (and save our belongings), natural chew sticks come in handy.

Dog chew toys are made from natural coffee trees, the products are handmade and each piece is unique.

Coffee wood chew from CWDC Vietnam has some features follow as:

1) A perfect way to relieve stress

2) Helps address behavioural issues

3) No artificial ingredients

4) Strengthens teeth and keeps them clean

5) Vegan

6) Extra tough

7) Reduces tension in new surroundings or while traveling

8) Reduces boredom and increases pleasure

9) Zero calories

10) Long-lasting.

And much more..

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