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Coffee wood dog chew review – What wood can dogs chew safely?

Coffee wood dog chew review – What wood can dogs chew safely?

Coffee wood is a very close grained wood that is harder than most native woods. Simply graded, dried and sanded, to give a healthy, safe and satisfying chew for any dog. As a natural wood product it will chew down.

Most pine that is grown for landscaping or Christmas tree decoration purposes is the Norfolk pine. This tree is toxic to dogs and might upset their stomachs if they eat the wood from the pine. While the poison isn’t fatal for dogs, the pine toxics do cause vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.

Coffee wood from CWDC Vietnam is non-toxic for dogs. Therefore, chewing on coffee wood dog chew is safer than chewing on the trees and branches available somewhere around you.

Coffee wood dog chew from CWDC Vietnam is made 100% naturally from coffee tree wood, without adding any additives, artificial ingredients or preservatives. In addition, coffee tree wood is sourced in an ethical and sustainable way where only coffee trees over 20 years old are cut down.

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